Feel Good About Giving
We are seeking a group of champions who acknowledge the need and would like to support a life-changing project!
Your tax-deductible contribution helps us cover current operational costs during our growth campaign to expand supportive living services in Fayetteville as we build towards our vision for the future: a “live, work, play” community where neurodiverse adults can find meaningful work, gain independence by learning life skills, and have access to the supportive resources needed to thrive. Your generosity makes it all possible.
- SLS Community is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization (EIN 81-0759430).
- Donations can be made by credit/debit card using the donor form, or by check mailed to 4375 N. Vantage Drive, Suite 104, Fayetteville, AR 72703.
- A donation receipt is automatically sent to your email. Some email settings may filter this receipt to a “Spam” or “Junk” folder. Be sure to check all folders for the receipt.

Recurring Donors: Flourish Donor Society
We welcome you to join our Flourish Donor Society as a recurring donor to help achieve lasting impact! More information about member tiers and benefits can be found below. If you are interested in joining:
Fill out the “Membership Form” with the member tier you would like to join.
Check the “Write us a comment” box and type “FDS”. We will be in touch with more information!